Saturday, July 26, 2008

New look!

Hello guys.. hehe.. how's my blog's new look? It took me 5 hours to redesign it.. especially the banner.. ermm.. this weekend i dun do anything.. just seat in the house.. and wait for my parents call me for help in housekeeping.. hehehe.. i've also install a new shoutbox for my blog.. i no longer use makes me 'gila'.. always has errors.. now i'm using cbox.. like diha and radin.. hehe.. okla.. see ya!! =)

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Tadi la kan.. aku ngan bdak2 postgrad yg lain amik gambar nak buat bunting.. ni la gambar2 dia..

dari kiri, aku, rozi, rina, yasir

huda O_o'


aku XD

rozi & rina

yasir & aku.. hehehe.. saja buat muka bodo..

yasir & me again..

Lepas tangkap gamba.. si yasir pon design la bunting tanpa pengetahun aku..

ni la bunting nyer..

aku dah la kena mengajar!! takut student2 aku nampak!!

Sekian terima kasih..

penuh dengan penyesalan, sbb buat muka bodoh..

Hi guys!

Hello guys, lama siot tak memblog.. korang sumer apa khabar? hope korang sumer dlm keadaan yg baik.. aku pon dlm keadaan yg baik gaks.. tapi ada la tensen2/stress2 sket.. ye la kan..? dah mula keje.. tapi nasib baik la keje aku ni tak berat sgt.. erm.. tak berat ke? aku keje sbg research assistant kat UNITEN (alhamdualillah.. doa aku termakbul), so.. mula2 keje mmg la tak berat.. sbb research br mula kan? so.. starting ni buat literature review je la.. byk baca buku ngan articles.. after literature review nnt.. maybe keje aku agak beban sket.. sbb kena come out ngan idea yg baru.. tajuk research aku "Evidence Analysis Algorithm based on Hadith Authentication Technique for Computer Forensics".. huhuhuhuhu =).. weng otak aku dibuatnyer.. so.. okla guys.. aku rasa smp sini je la kot.. bye bye!!